Bobo Cash ($BOBO)

Bobo Cash ons only available on Ethereum (ERC20). Do not buy tokens on other chains. Always verify the contract address below, to avoid fake tokens!

Ticker: Bobo Cash

Contract address: 0xF53c24f7729C88C110265929c7124E6259eFccAB

Chain: Ethereum (ERC20)

Automatic Redistribution: 4% of every transaction

Automatic Burn: 1% of every transaction

Token Distribution

Total Supply: 1 Trillion (1,000,000,000,000)

Burned: 50% of total supply burned

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Liquidity: 35% of the total supply has been added to Uniswap as liquidity and locked for 4,20 years.

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Marketing Reserves (Vested): 10% are locked in a vested contract. Over the next two years, the supply will be released linear with every block minted

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Team (Locked): 5% are locked for one year and then released linear over 18 months.

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Last updated