Bobo Cash


Bobo Cash is a fully decentralized meme coin on the Ethereum network. $BOBO has multiple deflationary features and strong holding incentives.

The main value proposition of Bobo Cash is the improved reward and burn distribution compared to other meme coins.

Almost all meme coins with burn and re-distribution are forks of popular contracts.Little do they know those contracts are full of logical errors and bugs.

Bobo Cash fixed all of this. Now 100% of the rewards are attributed to genuine holders, and there is no dilution by faulty automatic liquidity features.

Main Features

Automatic Rewards

4% of each transaction is re-distributed as automated farming rewards to token holders. Compared to other meme coins with broken contracts, $BOBO excludes all burn, LP, and locked contract addresses. Hold $BOBO in your wallet and automatically increase your holdings day by day!

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Automatic Burning

1% of each transaction is sent to a burn address and out of circulation forever. By actively reducing the circulating supply, The value of $BOBO should appreciate in the long term.

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Superior Smart Contract

All other meme coins with reward distribution are running on faulty logic, which results in missing tokens and unwanted sell pressure. The Bobo Cash team fixed the logic for reward distribution. Now 100% of rewards get distributed to genuine holders. No more missing tokens!

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Additional Security

A 7-day timelock owns the contract. Any changes written to the contract will take 168 hours to be in effect. In addition, we locked the Uniswap LP tokens for 4.20 years.

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Governance Voting

Bobo Cash is fully decentralized and owned by the community. $BOBO holders can create proposals and vote for or against said proposals. Only if a proposal receives the majority of votes will changes be implemented.

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Useless NFT's

The Bobo Cash team will partner with multiple artists and airdrop the NFT's to holders only. Drop dates, mint amounts, and rarities are randomized. This way, long-term holders will be rewarded and can trade/sell their NFTs on the open market. The community will decide what the NFT's are worth to them.

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Locked & Rug-Proof Contracts

Unlike other meme coin sweatshops, Bobo Cash is here for the long term. The LP is locked for 4.20 years, 5% team tokens locked for one year, and vested over 18 months. 10% Marketing wallet vested over 2 years. Don't trust; verify all transactions on the blockchain!

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